The Kanglei Mime Theatre Repertory from Manipur performed the epic ‘Cheitheng’ in Dresden as part of the 37th International Mime Theatre Festival.
In 2022, the Mime Studio invites a group from India to Dresden for the first time for a guest performance. 15 members of the group traveled to Dresden and stayed for 5 days.
Kanglei Mime Theatre Repertory, Imphal was founded in 1987 and has since developed into a center for art lovers, enthusiasts and creative performing artists. As the only professional mime theater company in Manipur, it is one of the leading companies in the whole of India. In the 75th year of India’s independence, the Dresden mimes were very happy that the group accepted their invitation. The impressive performance will certainly remain in the memory of the audience for a long time.
The project was only possible in close cooperation with the Indian Association Dresden (IAD) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

A show from kids for kids.
Three performances on June 1, 2 and 3, 2022 are the result of this project. Thanks to the support of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. we were able to continue our project “Gestisches Theater von Kindern für Kinder mit Beeinträchtigung” within the framework of “tanz und theater machen stark” together with our partner Ganztagsbetreuung am Förderzentrum für
(GTB Maxim-Gorki-Str. 4 in 01127 Dresden) and the Makarenko-Förderschule. Elena Yarovaya as artistic director and a pedagogical director help us with this. With a lot of joy in creative work, the children tell small stories pantomimically in short scenes and invite their young audience to join in at the end.
Physical Theatre Workshops with Anton Adasinskiy, Derevo Laboratorium
3 workshops from 5. – and 9.11.2021

Workshop 1 Teaching bodywork through the DEREVO system 5.-6.11.2021
From 5th to 7th November Anton Adasinskiy Derevo Laboratory will conduct an introductory course for professionals and amateurs in the Derevo system. it works with the body, emotions, intellect. Participants will receive structured knowledge that will help them organize a system of independent work. The history of dance, physical theater in Europe and Russia will be touched upon. Also, the participants will get acquainted with the principles of building performances of the Derevo Theater. 05.11. 10:00 - 15.00 o'clock (30min lunch break) 06.11. 10:00 - 15:00 o'clock (30min lunch break) 07.11. 9:00 - 12:00 o'clock 13 hours For all Price: 100 EUR
Workshop 2 Teaching the "self-directed" 8.11.2021
On November 8th, classes will be devoted to self-directed performance. Working with your own creative material. Drama and choreography. 08.11. 9 - 15 uhr (1h lunch break) 5 hours For profis (stage artist of all areas (Dance, mime, theater, circus …), soon-to-be stage artists, amateur with experience in bodywork Price: 70 EUR
Workshop 3 Lessons in rhythm and movements 9.11.2021
On November 9th, Anton will devote to work with rhythm and the basics of musical knowledge. 9.11. 12 - 14 uhr (2h) from 8 - 14 years old Price: 15 EUR
Workshops location: Theaterhaus Rudi, Dresden, Deutschland Participants: max. 15 per workshop Registration under or +49 (0) 151 556 19899 Instructor: Anton Adasinskiy Workshop in english and german
Derevo SchoolAbout Anton: