10.11.21 19:00 Gala show (with all artists who have arrived)
11.11.21 20:00 Hic Sunt Dracones with Theatro Continuo from Czech Republic 12.11.21 18:00 Canceled: Short Stories with Dirtz Theatre, Germany/France 12.11.21 20:00 Tasty Biscuits with Duo Mimikry, Germany/France mit Special: Mr. Moe – Sitting On A Fence with Moritz Lucht, Germany 13.11.21 18:00 Le Voisin with Les Transports Publics, France 13.11.21 20:00 Solo with Radim Vizváry, Czech Republic 14.11.21 11:00 Children’s performance: Paperboy with Radim Vizváry, Czech Republic 14.11.21 18:00 Reinheit with Derevo Laboratorium, Germany/Russia 14.11.21 20:00 Django with Knalltheater, GermanyWorkshops & Events
3 Physical Theatre Workshop with Anton Adasinskiy, Derevo Laboratorium 11.11.21 13:00-16:00 Workshop mit Dirtz Theatre (Argens-Minervois, France) 13.11.21 11:00 Workshop with Moritz Lucht, (Berlin) 13:00 Workshop with Benoit Turjman 13.11.21 21:30 Open-Mime-JamShows
10.11.21 19:00 Uhr Gala-Show
Come on in!
The festival kicks off with the gala show, where all the artists who have arrived will be present an most of them show a teaser of their program for you. Dirtz Theatre (DE/FR), Derevo (DE/RU), Les Transports Publics (FR), Moritz Lucht (DE), Nabil Zanabili (DE) and Theatre Continuo (CZ) are expected to take part. Tickets
12.11.21 20:00 Special: Mr. Moe – Sitting On A Fence, Moritz Lucht (DE)
TicketsTwenty-minute acrobatic fireworks. Moritz Lucht shows with Mr. Moe – Sitting On A Fence in a breathtaking way a piece about a person who suddenly gets caught in a whirlpool of madness.
The Berlin Moritz Lucht began his career as a circus acrobat in the youth circus Zack and VUESCH e.V. . He graduated from the Rogelio Rivel School of Artists in Barcelona and completed his training at the Etage in Berlin 2 years ago. He has already performed at the Trapezi-Festival, MitDIr-Festival, Paderborner Frühlingsfest and as part of the extra at the Komische Oper. In 2016 he took part in the artist residency Circ’Us in the Nile Delta. 20 min
Canceled: Clown / Three Clockmakers And The Lord Of Time / Encyclopaedia Of The Saints, Nabil Zanabili (DE)
Clown – There’s no business like show business. The piece is about a clown who is well aware of his real feelings and does not let the audience notice them. His heart burns so much for his circus ring and his companion.
Three Clockmakers And The Lord Of Time – A watchmaker meets two of his colleagues – each with his own particularity. In the small clockmaker’s workshop, all three ultimately become aware of >>who rules<<. The time … a rhythm? A trance? Encyclopaedia Of The Saints – The bite into the apple leads to the realization of what we know as “being”. If we perceive this as a metaphor of a beginning, then not only the stories arise from this apple, but also the monumental archetypes showing off their properties. Adam, Moses, Noah, Job, David, Jesus, Mohammed Nabil Zanabili graduated at the Ausbildungszentrum for Mime and Pantomime in Berlin in 2019 and already performed with ‘Father and Son’ in 2017 and ‘Identification’ in 2019 at the International Pantomime Festival. As a co-creating and -performing performer of a quartet and duo format in 2017 to 2019 and their various pieces and characters, he gained further experience in dramaturgy and playing styles. With the participation in this year’s International PantomimeTheaterFestival, Nabil Zanabili gives an insight into his artistic work and essence with three pieces from the full-length stage program. 30 min
11.11.21 20:00 Hic Sunt Dracones, Theatro Continuo (Czech Republic)
A visual poem – magic and grotesque journey into unknown landscapes combining physical, puppet and visual theatre
Where do all our thoughts go when we close our eyes at night? When everything, unimaginable during our waking hours, comes to life and our bodies become nothing more than material. What happens when we walk out of the room in the morning, leaving all these dreams, fears and hidden desires alone? Allegedly, we do not have just one single self, we have several. In everyday life, these selves purposely mediate and limit each other to cope in a socially acceptable manner with daily situations. What happens if one of these uncensored selves becomes free from the others, if it becomes autonomous? The landscape where all this unfolds is uncharted territory, terra incognita. Ancient cartographers claimed that fantastic monsters and dragons lived in these unexplored areas of the world. In Hic Sunt Dracones, parts of the human body, objects and material unite to form unimaginable landscapes, beings and stories. However, it is not a journey into far-ung regions or fantastic utopias, but a journey into our own minds and the hidden corners of our souls. 60 min Tickets
Directed by: Pavel Štourač
Cast: Sara Bocchini, Ludmila Jašutová, Kateřina Šobáňová a Natália Vaňová Visual concept, stage design: Helena Štouračová a Pavel Štourač Music / Sound design: Jakub Štourač Light-design: Tomáš MorávekCanceled: 12.11.21 18:00 Short Stories, Dirtz Theatre (Germany / France)
Physical Puppet Theatre Triptych with the pieces Nonna(s) don’t cry (20min), Le troisième Pas (20 min), La mort du ressusciteur (20 min) combines contemporary dance and hand puppetry. Through the coexistence of the object body and the living body, an alienation takes place that questions our idea of normal, real and living. The spectator is immersed in a world of metamorphosis and confronted with the questions: Who carries whom – the doll or the dancer? Who manipulates, who is manipulated?
Contributors: Jolanda Löllmann, Santiago Baculima The DÍRTZ Theater was created on the initiative of Charlie Denat (FR) and Jolanda Löllmann (DE), two artists who began to create a common signature by combining their experiences as dancers and circus artists with the art of puppetry. Their work is based on body language; interdisciplinary and undisciplined. 60 min Tickets

12.11.20 20:00 Tasty Biscuits, Duo Mimikry (Germany)
When it comes to visual comedy made in Germany & France, there’s no getting around these two gentlemen. Elias Elastisch (D) and Nicolas Rocher (FR) are two grand masters of visual comedy par excellence and show in their new show “Tasty Biscuits” where the bar is currently hanging! “Tasty Biscuits” are crisp short stories, like a cookie jar full of tasty surprises. Satire, wit and pure rhythm meet innovation, black humor and social criticism. A wonderfully varied program in which each number stands on its own: whether the sparked emancipation of a magician’s assistant, Superman at the dentist, a postmodern puppet show or the unvarnished reality of the entertainment industry. No one is spared! “Tasty Biscuits” is dwarf muscle training and exquisite short stories that stick long after the show.
90min + 15min break Tickets

13.11.21 18:00 Le Voisin, Les Transports Publics (France)
Le Voisin, the neighbour, goes camping. Grandiose mime comedy with Benoit Turjman, the Mister Bean of the Pantimome.
Grouchy nerd with greasy hair and velours trousers, he makesthe girls flee and stir up trouble like no one else… and he might live next to your place! Who he ? The Neighbour ! Benoit is a comedian with a varied career: pantomime, actor, ex-stuntman and dancer. In addition to his training at the Marcel Marceau School in Paris, he also specialized in Commedia dell’arte and has worked in various genres: theater, circus, cabaret, opera and film. On the screen, he was in particular the stunt double of Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) and acted in ‘I find you very beautiful’ by Isabelle Mergault. Benoit thematizes what moves us every day. The things that sometimes make life easier, but limit social relationships. The things that isolate us and bring us together. 75 min Tickets
13.11.21 20:00 Solo, Radim Vizváry (Czech Republic)
From the classic pantomime to Butoh, from the physical comedy to contemporary mime theater pieces. His mime is modern, pure and up to date. It is influenced by different styles and genres, but in the end always goes its own way.
Radim Vizváry will introduce both classical and modern, both poetic and comical works. You can laugh and cry without him saying single word – there are needless in his art. In this way you will see the best of him and through it, what is the current pantomime about. Radim Vizváry ist eine der international renommiertesten Persönlichkeiten des zeitgenössischen nonverbalen Theaters in Europa. Er wurde ausgezeichnet mit dem Thalia Award 2016 in den Kategorien Ballett, Pantomime und einem weiteren tanzdramatischen Genre. 90 min Tickets

Concept, direction and starring: Radim Vizváry
Costumes: Jozef Hugo Čačko Light-desing: Karel Šimek Production: Mime Prague z.s.13.11.21 21:30 Open Mime Jam
Clear the stage!
Become active yourself. The humor will certainly not be neglected. The Dresden pantomime veteran and improvisation artist Ralf Herzog will lead us through the improvisation evening. In addition, the Radebeul cellist Benni Cellini will provide unique soundscapes. Tickets
14.11.21 11:00 Children’s performance: Paperboy, Radim Vizváry (Czech Republic)
One big role of paper – that’s all it takes for children to see a world unravel on stage full of fantasy, games and adventures. At first, the mischievous narrator just plays with the paper, but is soon engulfed by the clean and supple material. He is accompanied by a shy little boy – Paperboy. Together they discover the mysteries of a paper world which they soon find is also full of danger and suspense.
This non-verbal fairy-tale on a minimalist set works to great degree with the audience’s imagination. The hands of experienced puppeteer and mime Radim Vizváry are able to conjure fantastic fairy-tale scenes from paper. He also invites children from the audience to join him on stage to act out situations. This performance is suitable for children aged 4 and up. Tickets

14.11.21 18:00 Reinheit, DEREVO Laboratory (Germany/Russia)
Derevo, a group from Dresden with Russian roots shows their new piece ‘Reinheit’.
Together with the cellist Ekaterina Gorynina the dancer Anton Adasinskiy with his 2 sons Arthur and David Adasinskiy are ready to enter the cosmos of Bach’s music. They could not have done it earlier. And later it could not happen. So now… In the music school, when I heard “The Well-Tempered Clavier” for the first time, the teacher laughed while she was playing. “For some reason, I always laugh while doing it. You know, this music has always existed and Bach only remembered it.” I remember Mom. Mama also existed in-mer. She could neither be a child nor die. Once she told me she felt shameless listening to Bach’s music. “How – shameless?” “Well, how can you listen when someone talks to God…” she replied. Today the time has come: dancer Anton Adassinskiy and cellist Katerina Goryni-na enter this divine realm of music. The dance theater ensemble DEREVO, Russian “The Tree”, was founded by Anton Adasinskiy in 1988 in Leningrad. Anton Adasinskiy, who became known as the front man, choreographer and guitarist of the Russian rock theater AVIA, which was renowned in the 80s, and then studied with Slava Polunin, took on the role of artistic director and leading actor. DEREVO is dedicated to the “language of the body, emotions and soul”. 60 min Tickets
In contrast to classical ballet, the idiosyncratic expressive dance in her performances is characterized by clownery, pantomime, improvisation, anarchy and chaos. DEREVO was also inspired by the Japanese Butoh. Due to the resulting dramatic power, the audience is captivated by the tension between general attraction and repulsion.
In addition to participating in numerous festivals DEREVO worked for a long time in Prague, Amsterdam, Florence and since 1997 in Dresden. In Dresden DEREVOS created great stage productions, which made their way into the world from here. Anton Adasinskiy Ekaterina Gorynina (Cello, Viola da Gamba, Arrangements) David Adasinskiy & Arthur Adasinskiy CREW Elena Yarovaya – design, Bühne, Kostüme Martin Rossmanith – voice Light – Ton – Philipp Cronacher14.11.21 20:00 Django, Knall Theater (Germany)
Larsen Sechert from Leipzig is in his play western hero Django, who returns to his home town in his own. He wants to take revenge. Who does he not yet know
The Knalltheater is a “postmodern Commedia dell’arte troupe” around clown Gerno Knall alias Larsen Sechert, founded in 2003. It plays clownish pieces for small audiences and improvisational theater without language for large audiences. It is mobile and gets by with simple means and little equipment. Programs of Knalltheater wrap clowning, pantomime, black light or slapstick in wonderfully melancholic stories with less seriousness. The ensemble of the Knalltheater convinces above all with its ingenious daftness, expressive dance bordering on caffeine overdose and unconventional interpretation. 60 min Tickets
3 Physical Theatre Workshops with Anton Adasinskiy, Derevo Laboratory
3 workshops 5 – 9.11.21
Workshop 1: Teaching bodywork through the DEREVO system, 5-7.11.21, 13 hours, for all Workshop 2: Teaching the “Self-Directed”, 11/8-21, 5 hours, for professionals Workshop 3: Lessons in Rhythm and Movement, 11/9-21, 2 hours, from 8-14 years See also main menu: ‘Workshops’ for more information Workshop location: Theaterhaus Rudi, Dresden, Germany Participants: max. 15 per workshop Registration at or +49 (0) 151 556 19899 Teacher: Anton Adasinskiy Workshop in English and German Registration via Mimenstudio Dresden,

11.11.20 13:00 Workshop with Dirtz Theatre (German/France)
How do you integrate an object into a creative process? During the workshop we invite you to put an object in relation to movement. We will exchange different research tools that will allow each participant to develop their own personal vocabulary and creative universe. After a session in which we will physically warm up to awaken our senses and align with our body, we will explore different ways to understand and manipulate an object. We will work in groups, solo or as a duo to explore how we can integrate an object into a creative process and how it can enrich our physical vocabulary through imagination, visualisation and improvisation. We ask all participants to be open to participate in a research process that requires a physical and emotional investment. Please bring your own object (the object should not be too small). Please bring comfortable clothing. ( we work a lot on the floor.)
Length of the workshop: 3 hours Registration via Mimenstudio Dresden,
13.11.20 15:00 Handstand Workshop with Moritz Lucht (Germany)
Two-hour handstand – course for beginners and advanced handstanders. Length of the workshop: 2 hours
Registration via Mimenstudio Dresden,
11.14.21 10:00 Workshop with Benoit Turjman
Become someone else, create universes, play with the invisible, experience possible and impossible adventures! We will play with the art of pantomime: a real performing and representative art, for and with the audience. An art in which reality and fantasy merge joyfully! We will see how to tell imaginative stories using illusions, incantations and metamorphoses. Attention : you may need both wit and flexibility… of mind!
Length of the workshop: about 3 hours Registration via Mimenstudio Dresden,
Event rules regarding Covid 19
What is currently valid at our events:
Admission is granted to the 2G: recovered, vaccinated or exempted and tested. Without presentation of appropriate proof, we can not grant admission. Feel free to come a little earlier, it may take a little longer at the admissions desk. Mask to seat and on all aisles. Spacing please use your best judgment. All events are held with reservations. Please check the homepage for the latest announcements. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you!Sponsoring
Help support the continuation of the International PantomimeTheaterFestival.
Since the Pantomime Workshops first took place in 1982, the tradition has continued to this day. In addition to Marcel Marceau, Slava Polunin and Clown Dimitri, numerous performers have appeared on Dresden’s stages since then. Our association is non-profit and can issue donation receipts. As a sustaining member (monthly membership fee of your choice) or through one-time donations you become a supporter! (1) Please transfer the amount to our association account: Mimenstudfio Dresden e.V. account details: IBAN: DE61 8505 0300 3120 0009 99, BIC: OSDDDE81XXX Subject: Your name, donation (2) Please write an email to with the following text: — Subject: Donation for the work of Mimenstudio Dresden e.V. Herewith I / we cancel the transfer of a donation to the account of the Mimenstudio Dresden, IBAN: DE61 8505 0300 3120 0009 99 in the amount of …….. €, which we will pay in by … will pay in. A donation purpose / an earmarking is not given / will be given for the project … . Please send me / us a donation receipt in the sense of § 10b of the EStG. Best regards — We are looking forward to your support!