40th International Pantomime Theatre Festival


Welcome at the

37th International
in Dresden

Absolutely worth seeing shows for adults and children
Workshops for beginners, amateurs and professionals



Festival opening: 2.11.2022 (Opening-Gala) Last performance: 6.11.2022.
The workshops start already from 29.10.2022.

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All events take place at the Theaterhaus Rudi, Fechnerstrasse 2a, 01139 Dresden.

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The festival offers its audience a broad spectrum of modern movement theatre with elements of classical pantomime, theatre, dance and masquerade.
Artists from Spain, France, the Czech Republic, Russia, India and Germany are in the program.

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Tickets / Prices

All Worshops: registration via info@mimedresden.de
All Shows: Ticket sales at SAX-Ticket (saxticket.de) starting 4.10.22, Reservix and at all advance booking offices that cooperate with Reservix.
Ticket price: Advance booking € 17.70, reduced € 14.40
Remaining tickets at the evening counter: 20,00 €, reduced 15,00 €
(no ticket payment with cards possible)
Reductions for pupils, students, trainees, holders of the
of the Dresden-Pass and holders of the Ehrenamts-Pass
upon presentation of the ID card

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2.11.22 19:00 Opening Gala (with all artists who have arrived)

3.11.22, 19:00 ‘Skin poems for a cosy house’ mit Los Escultores del Aire from Spanien

4.11.22, 18:00
Improshow with Ralf Herzog and the Mimenstudio Dresden

4.11.22, 20:00 ‚Les Aimants‘ with Compagnie Mangano-Massip from France

5.11.22, 17:00 ‚Alice in the Wonderbox‘ with Compagnie Mangano-Massip, France

5.11.22, 20:00 ‘Vitamimo’ with Carlos Martínez, Spain

6.11.22, 13:00 & 14:30 ‘Baby Laterna’ with Laterna Magika from Czech Republic

6.11.22, 19:30 ‘Cheitheng’ with Kanglei Mime theatre from India



29./30.10.22 Workshop with Mai Rojas from Los Escultores del Aire, Spain, 10 h

5.11. 13:00 – 15:00 Master Class, Antonina Popova & Ekaterina Varlakova, Russia, 2h – cancelled

6.11. 11:00 – 13:00 Master Class, Compagnie Mangano-Massip,
France, 2 h

6.11. 13:30 – 15:00 Master Class, Carlos Martínez, Spain, 1,5 h

Location:  Projekttheater Dresden, Louisenstraße 47, Spiegelsaal

Für Neugierige, Amateure und Profis


2.11.21 19:00 Opening Gala

Come on in!
The festival kicks off with the gala show, where all the artists who have arrived will be present an most of them show a teaser of their program for you.
Mangano-Massip (FR), Los Escultores del Aire (ES), Carlos Martínez (ES), Kanglei Theatre (IN) and Marko Stojanovic are expected to take part.

3.11.22 19:00 
Skin poems for a cosy house, Los Escultores del Aire (Spain)

Thin-skinned: The “Skin Poem for a Cozy House,” roughly the whimsical title, was written in the first year of the Corona pandemic. World theater from Catalonia about death and life, danced pantomime to dreamlike sounds.
A living room, furniture, a couple. They live their daily lives, get up, go to work, come home tired, and the other morning the same again. Then he shows up late for her birthday, the celebration is a complete failure. In a quarrel, he lets her go, without saying goodbye. And never sees her again.
“A Skin Poem” tells of the days following her accidental death, which happened on the very day of their argument. Get involved with the journey to the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. A play that talks about death to pay homage to life, full of resilience, simplicity and hope.
Music and dance characterize the ensemble from Spain. The physical theater from Barcelona has its roots in mime and contemporary dance (for more see workshop 29./30.11.22).

Duration: 1 hour


4.11.22 20:00
Les Aimants
Compagnie Mangano-Massip, (France)

Bodies like paintings, drawn by plays of light and shadow. A choreography with surprising actions on wonderful flights of poetry.

A couple. First emotions in the adulthood of life, in the intimacy of the room or in the light of a street lamp. A rare and intense spectacle of love. Massip write with their bodies a poem full of ironic actions. How much truth is there in this great play? Let yourself in for moments of discouragement, sadness, encroaching violence as well as lightness, sensuality and humor. A theater of necessity and truth. Sara Mangano and Pierre-Yves Massip met in 1994 at Marcel Marceau’s mime school. Together they want to explore the vast world of their imagination. We work with the drama of movement, reflecting our everyday life with all its little ups and downs, they say. Experience this epic lyrical journey as a revelation of thoughts all their own.

Duration: 1 hour


5.11.22 17:00
Alice in the Wonderbox Compagnie Mangano-Massip (France)

Avatars, false identities, fake news, the Prince Charming or the Superchallenge that turn into deadly traps. Alice today, Wonderland in a box.

As soon as Alice touches the display of her cell phone, she is on a virtual journey to her identity. Reality and appearance merge into one another. Loosely based on the work of Lewis Carrol, in this play you will meet a laughing and enigmatic cat, a clumsy and charming white prince and funny mutant characters. Performed by an ensemble of 4, the play was created through meetings, discussions and interviews with young people born in the digital age. Follow Alice in her search for identity, for her humanity – between gestural theater and masks, puppet and digital art, in the grace of gestures and her confusing feelings.

Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes


5.11.22 20:00 
Carlos Martinez (Spain)

Harmless play suddenly gets into human abysses – the adventure of a 40-year research journey of the Spanish master of mimics and gestures through the land of silence.

Let the silent movements of a single man in the spotlight take you to a world where a seemingly harmless game touches human abysses and everyday things have a magic of eternity. Those who laugh tears at his performance give vitamins to his soul. “Vitamino” is a gift to the audience for the 40th stage anniversary of the mime from Barcelona. In the program you will experience a selection of eight mature stage programs that the world-class mime played during his career. In 1982, Carlos Martinez set out to keep pantomime alive. The young artist dispensed with props, costume changes, text and language in order to conjure up a unique theatrical world on an empty stage with only his face painted white. After 40 years of touring in more than 40 countries on four continents, Martínez still pushes the limits of our imagination, makes us laugh and cry .

Duration: 2 h

6.11.22 13:00 & 14:30
Baby Laterna
(Czech Republic)

The absolute must for toddlers with their parents: pantomime show.

The show isaimed at the youngest from half a year to three years old. Laterna Magika understands its craft as an avant-garde theater of the “New Scene” in Prague. Affiliated with the Czech National Theater, it interweaves highly original forms of performance from film, light, music, ballet and pantomime. Since 1958, the company has been shaping the tradition of black theater in Prague, whose roots lie in Japanese puppetry. It was originally intended as a representative project of the then Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (ČSSR) for Expo 58. Despite its propagandistic orientation, the theater enjoyed great success already in the same year as it did for Expo 1967.


6.11.22 19:30:
Kanglei Mime Theatre (India)

Great epic from India: King triggers chain of doom with miss: With “Cheitheng” (agony/pain), the audience is transported to another culture and time. On the occasion of India’s 75th anniversary of independence, this performance, unique here, makes its way into the festival.

“Cheitheng,” created in 2005 as an experimental pantomime play, won admiration in many places, including South Korea and Greece. The play is based on an episode from the great Indian epic Ramayana. The famous, powerful ruler King Dasaratha of Ayodhya, commits a great mistake while hunting in the dense jungle. He accidentally meets Sharvankumar. He is the only light in the dark world of his blind parents. They put a curse on the alleged murderer. Under the agony of separation from his son Rama, the king perishes. Kanglei Mime Theatre Repertory, Imphal was established in 1987 and has since developed into a center for art lovers, enthusiasts and creative performing artists. As the only professional mime theater company in Manipur, it is one of the leading companies in the whole of India.

Duration: 1h

6.11.22 19:00
Tasty Biscuits,
DuoMimikry (Germany/France)

When it comes to visual comedy made in Germany & France, there’s no getting around these two gentlemen. Elias Elastisch (D) and Nicolas Rocher (FR) are two grand masters of visual comedy par excellence and show in their new show “Tasty Biscuits” where the bar is currently hanging!

“Tasty Biscuits” are crisp short stories, like a cookie jar full of tasty surprises. Satire, wit and pure rhythm meet innovation, black humor and social criticism. A wonderfully varied program in which each number stands on its own: whether the sparked emancipation of a magician’s assistant, Superman at the dentist, a postmodern puppet show or the unvarnished reality of the entertainment industry. No one is spared! “Tasty Biscuits” is dwarf muscle training and exquisite short stories that stick long after the show.

29./30.10.22 10:00-15:00
Workshop with Mai Rojas from Barcelona

Made up and homemade: As a warm-up for the Pantomime Festival, Mai Rojas entices people to think up and perform little pieces. The audience will see excerpts in the opening gala.
Puerto Rican-born mime and dancer Mai Rojas coaxes out imagination and play sense in this 2-day mime workshop. Whether you’re already skilled at acting or just discovering your talent, there’s no requirement to participate – except a curiosity to experience yourself and others in movement and expression.

From initial ideas, you will learn to compose and perform small scenes in mime and dance under Rojas’ direction. In ten hours of joint work, you will not only participate in the selection of the theme and spin out your little story, but you will also participate in the entire production, right down to the choice of costumes and music. The concept goes back to the Barcelona-based physical theater company Los Escultores del Aire (“Sculptors of the Air”). Mai Rojas co-directs the theater company with dancer, choreographer and theater educator Raffaella Crapio.
“The mission of Los Escultores del Aire is to share its own way of understanding art through shows and workshops, with the desire to inspire and make people’s hearts vibrate through the universal language of movement. Their work is based on combining different performing arts.
Every body has a story to tell, and Los Escultores del Aire offers a space of encounter and exchange that lives and breathes between the performer and the spectator. With his training workshops, the Spaniard also goes into the online world, building international bridges where physical boundaries make real contact with our community difficult.” (escultoresdelaire.com)

Duration: 2 x 5 hours
Location: Project Theater Dresden, Louisenstraße 47, Spiegelsaal
Registration: info@mimedresden.de
Participation fee: 100 Euro, reduction possible

5.11.22 13:00-15:00 
Workshop with Ekaterina Varlakova (Russia)

About yourself … without words Learn to understand simple tools of non-verbal storytelling in this workshop with the group MiMinor from St. Petersburg. Forms of performance from genres such as modern mime, clowning or physical theater will be taught to you in individual and also group work. By the end of the workshop, you will have a brand new page in your personal sketchbook. In addition to amateurs and professional performers, all those interested in pantomime are addressed.
Duration: 2 h, Theaterhaus Rudi, Fee: 15 Euro, reduced: 10 Euro

6.11.22 11:00-13:00
Workshop with Compagnie Mangano Massip from France

In this workshop, Sara Mangano and Pierre-Yves Massip will work
will work specifically on body metaphor, movement analysis and contact work.
Inspired by Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux and Jacques Lecoq, their pedagogy aims to discover the full range of an actor’s physical expression, the nuances of movement and dramatic gesture.
A work based on the art of a lively and contemporary mime, based on a strong knowledge of the roots of this discipline.
Participants will explore a range of new possibilities thanks to the different dramatic paths coming from the three great schools of 20th century mime:
– the rigor of Decroux,
– the poetic expression of Marceau
– and the analytical drama of Lecoq.
“A gesture is not enough, it must be linked to a thought, and the image that this thought describes must be rigorous for a style to emerge.” Marcel Marceau

Location: Projekttheater Dresden, Louisenstraße 47, Spiegelsaal
Registration: info@mimedresden.de
Participation fee: 15 Euro, reduced: 10 Euro

6.11.22 13:30-15:00  Masterclass with Carlos Martinez from Barcelona

Using only the body and facial expressions, the mime portrays characters, situations and feelings. Carlos Martínez teaches what is important in this performing art. It is the combination of feet, hands and facial expression that are strung together here in individual steps. The feet as an expression of a personality, the hands to represent objects, the face for feelings. Carlos Martínez teaches all this with charm, patience and good humor. The workshop is for participants of all ages (recommended minimum age: 18 years), with and without previous experience.

Location: Projekttheater Dresden, Louisenstraße 47, Spiegelsaal
Registration: info@mimedresden.de
Participation fee: 15 Euro, reduced: 10 Euro

The promotors of the festival

Kulturamt Dresden

Supported by the state capital Dresden, Office for Culture and Monument Protection

Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden

Supported by the Dresden Foundation for Art & Culture of the Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden


Supported by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony. This measure is co-financed by tax revenues on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon State Parliament.

Institut Francais Berlin

With the kind support of the Institut francais and the French Ministry of Culture / DGCA.



Supported by the Bund Deutscher Amateurtheater with funds from the Federal Foreign Office

Stadtbezirksamt DD Pieschen

Supported by the Dresden Pieschen city district office.

Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfond

Supported by the Deutsch-Tschechischen Zukunftsfond


Help support the continuation of the International PantomimeTheaterFestival.
Since the Pantomime Workshops first took place in 1982, the tradition has continued to this day. In addition to Marcel Marceau, Slava Polunin and Clown Dimitri, numerous performers have appeared on Dresden’s stages since then.
Our association is non-profit and can issue donation receipts.
As a sustaining member (monthly membership fee of your choice) or through one-time donations you become a supporter!
Please transfer the amount to our association account:
Mimenstudfio Dresden e.V.
account details: IBAN: DE61 8505 0300 3120 0009 99, BIC: OSDDDE81XXX
Subject: Your name, donation
Please write an email to info@mimedresden.de with the following text:

Subject: Donation for the work of Mimenstudio Dresden e.V.
Herewith I / we cancel the transfer of a donation to the account of the Mimenstudio Dresden,
IBAN: DE61 8505 0300 3120 0009 99 in the amount of …….. €, which we will pay in by … will pay in. A donation purpose / an earmarking is not given / will be given for the project … .
Please send me / us a donation receipt in the sense of § 10b of the EStG. Best regards

We are looking forward to your support!